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About Us

About Our Company

We Will Give You The Best Results

Marzban Sanat Arian Company

MSA corporation was founded by a group of managers interested to project jobs in 2009 as manufacturing company From the beginning, prospects were drawn in such a way that despite the design, manufacture and installation of numerous projects, mass production was considered. Manufacturing of industrial parts and machines was can considered. A quick look at the MSA contracts indicates that many of the projects that have been undertaken by the Company, was the type of projects that have been implemented for High accuracy piecrs and Machines. This may be due to the presence of different units such as: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and project management, finance, procurement, domestic commercial .... Will reassure customers about the activities of the company.

  • Manufacturering Auto Parts
  • Manufacturering Specific Industrial's Tools
  • Designing Complex Industrial Products
  • Executor of Large Industrial Projects
Our Facts

We Present Best Service For Your Community


Done Projects


Under Maintenance Projects


Projects Planned for Production


Contracting for Companies
Brief Description

Our Business Partners

Marzban Sanat Arian Company is a Contractor of Large and World-Class International Companies such as Nestle, Sundan, Unilever, Pars Hayat, BAT Pars, Novo, etc.


We Made Precise and Complex Parts that could not be Imported, and we Designed their Set of Machines with the Knowledge of their Super-Hygienic Limitations and Coordinates.

Unilever Iran

We Made Precise and Complex Parts that could not be Imported, and we Designed their Set of Machines with the Knowledge of their Super-Hygienic Limitations and Coordinates.

Pars Hayat

Marzban Sanat Arian Company is One of the Main Contractors of Pars Hayat Company and Produces the Parts Needed for Warehousing and Production from Metal Materials and Super Alloys and in the Ultra-Fast Industry Produces Diapers and Sanitary Supplies Needed.


Marzban Sanat Arian Company in Mass Production in the Manufacture of Metal Parts in the Manufacture of Fittings for the Ventilation System of Domestically Produced Cars Produces 200,000 Pieces Per Month for this Company


Marzban Sanat Arian Company is one of the Contactors of Kavosh Company

Iran Khudro

Marzban Sanat Arian Company is one of the Contactors of IKCO

BFM Fitting

Marzban Sanat Arian Company is the Official Representative of BFM Fitting Company in Iran

BAT Pars

Marzban Sanat Arian Company is one of the Contactors of BAT Pars


Marzban Sanat Arian

Honors of Marzban Sanat Arian Company
